Sunday, January 11, 2009

Zoe and the Birds

Have you ever seen the movie Enchanted? There is a scene where Giselle is in a NY apartment and begins singing to attract the animals. As she sings, pigeons, rats, and flies flock to the apartment to help her clean. Zoe wanted to try this. While at my parents' house she went outside and began to sing like Giselle. She wanted the birds to come. We were inside giggling, when we heard her suddenly start crying. We thought she fell, but she started screaming that there was a giant bird. I went outside and a very large white pigeon was sitting on the corner of the roof staring at her. It was hilarious. I had to carry Zoe in, because she was so scared. The bird, however, was not scared at all. It hung out there for about an hour. It even flew at the window trying to get in, just like the movie. We got many pics and some video footage of our new feathered friend.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Party Bound

We found a new fun place over break. It's a place in Lakeville called, Party Bound. It's a gym filled with Ginormous inflatables. There are slides, obstacles cources, and a huge bouncer. It's so much fun. We've been there three times over break. It's the perfect place to burn a little winter energy. The last two weeks we went with our neighbors the Lemers. Steve and Troy came too and they couldn't believe how much fun it was. Today was our final visit before returning back to school. Two of Zoe's good buddies, Kobe and Sam, were there to play with her today.