Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fall Fun at the Cabin

This weekend we headed to the cabin with Chuck and Karen for some fall fun. We don't have any leaves at home, so the girls got a chance to really enjoy them. I take that back. Zoë loved the leaves. Ellie.... not so much. We made a huge pile at the bottom of the slide, and Zoë slid down over and over. Ellie was a little nervous. However, she did LOVE the smores. Yes, the smore is actually stuck to her face in that picture. The girls also enjoyed a lot of quality indoor time. They both had their desks set up in the living room for painting and coloring. In the morning, they watched a few cartoons together. Zoë became an official Friedges this weekend. She learned her first card game, Go Fish. She had so much fun, and I couldn't believe how quickly she picked up on the inflection and looks you give while playing cards. She really was a riot. I suppose at Thanksgiving she'll be learning Euchre.

1 comment:

Anne said...

What Great pics!!!! Haha! I love the Smore Face:) and I can't wait to play cards with Miss Zoe!