Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Birthday, Annabelle!!!

This past weekend was Anne's All Inclusive. This is a new tradition My mom, Anne, and I have started. Every year we treat one of us to an All Inclusive Mystery Weekend. This year it was Anne's turn. For those of you who don't know, Anne is turning 30 on New Year's Eve!!!
My Mom and I surprised Anne with a trip to the Old Taylor's Falls Jail. It is now a B&B. When we got there we started reading the Guest Journal, and were surprised to read account after account of hauntings in the jail. This is something we didn't plan on. My mom laughed it off, Anne hoped we'd have an encounter, and I was a little nervous. We didn't have anything super cool happen to us, but there were a couple odd things. The housekeeper's told us about people seeing orbs, furniture moving, noises, and even small children seeing people. Anne started taking a bunch of pictures, because others had said things sometimes show up in the pics. We had a couple unexplained spots in a few pics, but one crazy pic of mom. It looks like it is snowing all over her, and it was a completely clear day. One last thing for the paranormal fans, the housekeeper told us that the batteries often go dead in people's cameras or the pics come back just black. Anne put new batteries in while we were there and they were dead today. Freaky!!
Okay, besides the ghosts, we had a lot of fun with the locals. This was my kind of town. The bartender let you pour your own drinks and dance on the bar. Notice, we are in our PJ's. Anne and I went to the gas station real quick for some munchies and decided to stop in. I'm wearing a t-shirt, capri sweats, and snow boots, and it didn't matter at all. We had the best time with all our new friends.
I could go on and on about our weekend, but I've rambled enough. We had a great time, but thank goodness Anne only gets an all inclusive every third year. I don't think my mom and I could keep up with her every year. There were just a few too many cocktails. Next year is Mom's turn. I'll keep you posted.
Happy Birthday, Anne!!!


Anne said...

Thanks Katie & mom too! It was a great weekend! This has been the best B-day ever!

Anonymous said...

gas station-pajamas and bars--you can't get much of a funner day than that! Looks like they enjoyed you all there as well. Happy new year to you and your family. Brian