Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Turkey Day

Ellie coloring a turkey.
Ellie is a true Friedges. She enjoys shaking dice.

Zoë and KK always have a good time at Grandma Alice's and Grandpa Julius's house.

Jenni and Matt checking out the deals for Black Friday.

Grandma and Barb working hard in the kitchen.

Zoë enjoying her Thanksgiving feast.

Ellie enjoying her meal as well.

My favorite twins, Brooke and Carter. Brooke wins the prize for enjoying her meal the most. She sat and ate for probably an hour.

Tom, Natalie, and Kelly lounging after the meal.
We had a great Thanksgiving, or should I say a great three Thanksgivings. We started the day with the Hostrawsers (Steve's Mom's family) at Dave and Jen's. Then, we moved to Prior Lake to visit the Friedges side. Zoë and her cousin KK always have the best time together. After two big meals, a few hours watching football and going through the Newspaper ads we headed home.
On Saturday we traveled South to Iowa for Thanksgiving with the Waldschmidts. It was wonderful seeing everyone this weekend.


Anne said...

Looks like so much fun...I am bummed that I missed The Friedges Family Turkey Day!

Kate Zweber said...

We missed you too!!